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Part Editions

In cases where only a ​certain number of ​inside ​pages have been amended for a particular country (i.e. ​the imprint page was adapted for Chile​,​ but the rest of the files remain as per the Spanish edition), the following instructions should be followed.

​Generally, only ​amended spread(s) should be supplied; ​the rest should be deleted. If only one page has been updated in a spread, the entire spread needs to be supplied. Supply text PDFs for the amended page(s) only.

​ ​
Please see below the different scenarios and instructions on supplying files for archiving in each case:

A title containing several individual InDesign spreads:

  • Please follow the usual archiving guidelines.

A​ title containing an InDesign file with multiple spreads (i.e. “CHL_004-009_xxxxxx”)​:

1. Only first ​page ​(i.e. p. ​004​)​ is changed:

  • Delete the spreads for pp. 006-009 in InDesign, leaving spread 004-005.​
  • Rename the InDesign file “CHL_004_xxxxxx”.​*
  • Supply the Text ​PDF for p. 004 and the preview PDF for spread 004-005.​

​2. Only ​one page (i.e. p.007) is changed:

  • Delete the spreads ​for pp. 004-005 and pp. 008-009 in InDesign, leaving spread 006-007.​
  • Ensure that the pagination remains correct.
  • Rename the InDesign file “CHL_007_xxxxxx”.*​
  • Supply the ​Text ​PDF for p. 007 and the preview PDF for spread 006-007.​

​3. Consecutive pages 004-007 are changed:

  • Delete the spreads ​for pp. 008-009 in InDesign, leaving only spreads 004-005 and 006-007​.​
  • Rename the InDesign file “CHL_004-007_xxxxxx”.
  • Supply the​ individual Text​ PDFs and preview PDFs for​ each spread​ pp. 004-00​5 and pp.006-007.

​4. Non-consecutive pages 004 and 007 are changed:

  • Separate spreads and create individual InDesign files for spreads 004-005 and 006-007.
  • Ensure that the pagination remains correct.
  • Name the InDesign files after the page that has been changed (i.e. “CHL_004_xxxxxx” and “CHL_007_xxxxxx”). If both pages of a spread are amended, this should be reflected on the naming of the .indd doc (i.e. pp. 004 & 005 are amended, then spread to be named “CHL_004-005_xxxxxx etc).
  • Supply individual Text PDFs for pp. 004 and 007 and preview PDFs  for spreads 004-005 and 006-007.

* InDesign file name to include the page number of the amended page only